

Shoreham Green H2 Hub

In 2020-21, H2e collaborated with Shoreham Port Authority (“SPA") on the early stage development of a nominally 20 MWe,  8 tonnes per day green hydrogen production hub, our activities included the following:

  • Pre-planning consultation meeting and presentation to Adur & Worthing District Council for the development.
  • Consultations with the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) on hydrogen production and storage, including zonal planning and preliminary safety assessment.
  • Procurement of a grid connection from the distribution network operator.
  • Land lease option.
  • Investigating the integration of existing and new build renewable generators including offshore and onshore wind and roof-mounted solar PV in the region.
  • Preparation of a project financial model and fully costed business case.
  • Preparation of a hydrogen supply term sheet and procurement of expressions of interest from various potential customers in the region.
  • Participation in the Hydrogen Sussex Group launch event, attended by local MPs and councilors, including presentation of our project together with SPA.
  • Deep engagement with local and regional stakeholders including Brighton & Hove City Council, Adur & Worthing Council, regional and bus and airport operators.

Project status: Due to challenges with the  supply of renewable power, H2e moved onto other project opportunities.

H2e Wales Green H2 Hub (Confidential Location)

In 2021-22, H2e engaged with the owner/operator of an existing onshore windfarm and solar PV farm in South Wales with a view to developing a co-located commercial scale green hydrogen hub.

H2e conducted the following activities:

  • Feasibility study to investigate the site including site access and suitability for hydrogen transportation and the installation of two new private wire connections between the existing substations and the envisaged location for the green H2
  • Submission of a ModApp to the distribution network operator for the procurement of a grid connection.
  • Pre-application enquiries with Welsh Water for process water supply.
  • Preparation of a project financial model and fully costed business case.
  • Development of a technical specifications for tendering purposes.
  • Detailed modelling, forecasting and optimisation of renewable energy production, grid power flows, battery energy storage, and hydrogen storage and offtake to inform the project concept studies.
  • Submission of a proposal for a green power purchase agreement (“PPA”) to procure certified green electricity from the owner/operator of the renewable power sources.

Project status: due to unprecedented volatility and electricity price levels in the UK, the long term power price needed to produce green hydrogen at an economically attractive price was unable to compete with the short term earn out potential of the renewable assets.